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First Baptist is a singing church. We try to incorporate a blended worship service so that everyone can find something they enjoy as we praise the Lord. If you are looking for a place to offer your talents then we have a few options for you. If you don't find something of interest, call the church office and schedule a time to talk with Bro. Nathan. We are always looking for we new ways to worship.



Our Choir leads in worship every Sunday Morning. We practice from 6:00 to 7:00 on Wednesday nights in the Choir room located behind the Sanctuary. We sing a little bit of everything, e.g.,  Southern Gospel, Spirituals or the latest Praise Song  arrangement. We also work on a least one seasonal musical each year.



We love to hear offerings of praise in worship. If you have a favorite song you would like to sing or even play, we can find a place for you one Sunday. If you don't want to sing alone, there are others who feel the same way but might just join an ensemble with you one Sunday Morning. Call the church office or grab Bro. Nathan personally and we'll find a way for you to take part in worship.



We have a small troupe of actors who like to perform here at First Baptist. They mainly help us with our seasonal musicals or events, but maybe with some more members we could offer small skits throughout the year. If you're interested, call the church office or Bro. Nathan for more details.


Children's Choir

Worship is for kids too! On Sunday evenings at 5:00pm, Children's Choir meets in the Education Building. Children from Kindergarten to 6th grade get a chance to not only sing songs, but explore what worship is and who we are supposed to worship. Children's Choir takes a break during the summer but will kick back off in the Fall; we hope to see you there!



Music Ministry

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