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Isaiah 6:1-13

Isaiah was called by God to preach the word in the Old Testament.  Following God's call, Isaiah became a major prophet speaking God's word throughout the country.  When the question was asked, "Whom shall I send?", Isaiah promptly responded, "Here am I Lord, send me."  The same question is being asked of us, are you willing to answer the same way?

Our ministers are amazing, gifts, and empowering.  And we like to recognize them for their continual service to our church.  Our ministers enjoyed the day off after being blessed with a service dedicated to them and their missions.  

John 10:10

We have always known 10 Commandments... could there be an eleventh?  Just as we hold dear to the commands of our Lord, we often times forget that we are promised life, and abundant living.  Jesus Christ came for this very reason.  So lets reclaim our life, our freedom, and serve the very one that died for us to have freedom.

John 9:1-7

Jesus had Face to Face encounters with people throughtout His ministry.  Many times, offering healing to these divine encounters.  Bad things in our lives can be used to give glory to God, just as the blind man in John 9.  But does this story stop at the physical ability for the man to see?  Absolutely not!  Does your spiritual vision need to be opened by Jesus Christ?

John 7:18-28

Many topics are not black and white.  There are no words in the Bible to address some of the major decisions in our lives.  So how can the Bible guide us through these decisions.  Follow there 4 steps to help hear how the Spirit is trying to guide you in your decisions.

John 6:53-71

Some teachings are just hard to swallow.  As we continue our series Face to Face: Divine Encounters, we see Jesus was not afraid to preach on tough and hard subjects.  Its simple - sin is sin, and we must turn and repent, and follow Him.

John 6:1-12

Feeding the five thousand- now that's a big covered dish.  As we continue Face to Face: Divine Encounters we can see the Movement started, the ministry performed, and the message preached.  When placed in the hands of Jesus, ordinary is turned into extraodinary.

John 5:1-9

Jesus has a plan and a purpose for our lives.  Just like that man on the mat that Jesus healed, His powerful plan is to heal, forgive and restore our relationship with the Father.  Listen in as Dr. Jeff continues Face to Face: Divine Encounters.

John 4:1-26

Jesus didn't just sit from a throne and dictacte orders to his followers.  He came and met us where we are: whereve our messed up lives have us.  We can encounter Jesus, a face to face, divine encounter.

Four baptisms and the Lord's Supper... what better way to spend the day in worship and service.  Both these simple yet profound ordiances of the church are doctrinally sound and necessary for growth within the church.  Adding to the numbers and remembering what Christ has done on the cross... thats what its all about.


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